16 May when bugs attack {136/365}
Anybody have a clue what this is? The nasty little thing is killing my lilac bushes like you would NOT believe.
The branches on this one and the other bushes look like they’ve been snapped at the ends, and those same ends are dead black. Could be frost damage, I’m not sure. At any rate, the one bush this guy is on is absolutely COVERED with him and all his little buddies.
And they’re having one helluva party.
Sure does make for a cool photo-op though, right? :p
(is this where I mention I got out the can of death and doused them all? no? okay)
I’ll be off to the garden center for some heavy artillery if they’re still there tomorrow. Nasties.
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Posted at 11:12h, 17 MayI would call a reliable garden center (Wal Mart does NOT count). I am guessing though, that this insect is not the cause of the problem but might be feeding on the actual culprit. You might have borers.