rockin’ robin {130/365}

And his wife?

from day 130

These two have been hanging around for a few days.  They’re nesting in my juniper, same place they nest every year.  And every year something happens to their babies. I found bones and feathers outside my window one Spring.  It wasn’t pretty.

But speaking of pretty, check out my crab-apple tree blooming! yay!  I love that tree.  I wish it bloomed all summer.

umm … where was I?  oh yeah …

I haven’t seen much of these two this year until now.  And then the other day there they were in my backyard.

And their baby was on my deck!

(no I don’t have pictures and no, I don’t want to discuss it *coughblurrycrapcough*)

Cutest little thing, kind of hopping/flying about.  Mama was feeding him (again, no pictures, don’t want to talk about it).  They stayed for a bit and then left.

Later that day, I opened the back door to let Daisy out, not thinking of robins in the slightest.

Immediate flurry of wings, baby running then flying off the edge of the deck, mama and papa screeching to beat the band and circling and diving at DaisyPuppy who was totally oblivious and just wanted to play, me screaming at the dog, birds screaming at the dog and their baby, and DaisyPuppy running around in circles barking her fool head off.

Complete and utter chaos.

Daisy didn’t get anywhere near the baby, but I haven’t seen it around here since.  Last I saw, it hadn’t cleared my fence and had kind of fluttered down the side of it but I’ve looked and there’s no sign of it anywhere.

Mama and Papa are still hanging around.


And in my guilt I’ve forgiven them for flying at my head whilst trying to rescue the damn dog.

I hope your baby is okay guys.  Maybe you should give some serious thought to finding a new tree one of these years?

It’s obviously not all that safe around here.


You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters.
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  • Louisiana Belle
    Posted at 00:16h, 11 May Reply

    Oh, wow! These are amazing! I wish I had better luck shooting birds.
    .-= Louisiana Belle´s last blog ..Day 125: Giraffe =-.

  • kim
    Posted at 00:19h, 11 May Reply

    Love your story as always, I can totally get a picture in my head of the chaos that was taking place.
    Both pictures are really good, but the second one is fantastic!!! It’s so sharp and the colors so beautifully muted in the background.
    .-= kim´s last blog .. =-.

    • janice
      Posted at 00:20h, 11 May Reply

      Yeah, the first one is blurry but I loved the pose. So I kept it. The other ones were nasty though.
      The background in the second one is an ugly garage roof. LOL! Yay for aperture! :)

  • Nicci
    Posted at 03:27h, 11 May Reply

    really cute. Shoot birds is hard. They usually move before I can get focused.
    .-= Nicci´s last blog ..#87 Sick Boy =-.

  • geneil
    Posted at 16:08h, 11 May Reply

    such drama! I feel for the poor birds. These are really lovely shots.
    .-= geneil´s last blog ..130:365 My Three =-.

  • Tug
    Posted at 21:20h, 11 May Reply

    LOVE the 2nd photo, beautiful!!
    .-= Tug´s last blog ..Signs of Spring =-.

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