and then there was ice cream {118/365}

or maybe not …


This other shack is off to the right of the building …

from day 118

Can’t lie – I took these yesterday on my road trip travels.  But! I processed them today, so that counts.

I said so.

I used the preset I mentioned yesterday and it’s working like a charm, I think.  Still liking it!


You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • Louisiana Belle
    Posted at 11:11h, 29 April Reply

    The photos are great. LOVE the preset! Especially on the 2nd photo. Route 66 is a perfect name for it.
    .-= Louisiana Belle´s last blog ..Day 117: Smoke Tree =-.

  • Nicci
    Posted at 14:29h, 29 April Reply

    Love the crispness of the photos.

    I am still using shots from Saturdays outing. I mean, I took over 100 so I am still going through them. That counts.
    .-= Nicci´s last blog ..#75 Fish Market Houses Again =-.

  • Leslie
    Posted at 14:46h, 29 April Reply

    Wow, yeah. I LOVE the processing on these, and the ones from the post before. Jealous that you created the presets yourself … I’m a bit in a rut with my “store-bought” filters. Fab.
    .-= Leslie´s last blog ..On Writing and the Playful Business of Art =-.

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