antique roadshow {117/365}

Today was a perfect day for touring around.  Bright, sunny and clear but holy crap chilly!  So I took full advantage of the (somewhat) gorgeous day and hopped in the car.  Plus I’d promised daughter I’d drive her to her middle-of-nowhere school.

And than I ended up here …


I took a ton of shots and scored an old wooden pop crate for $8. Go me!

While processing these, I was trying to get a retro/vintage, kind of cross-processed look and ended up making my own preset. Well actually, I made four, each one slightly different (sharper, softer, lighter, etc).  Fun! I love it. I may hate it tomorrow, but I’m loving it right now.


So yeah, before and after.  What do you think? I know of at least one person who’s going to like the original better. *ahem.  Looking at it, I probably could’ve eased up on the contrast a tad. meh.

I need a name for it.  I keep thinking Route66, but that might be just because of the photos.  Or the fact that I’d rather be driving there than here?

A few more from today (click through to view larger on flickr).  I still need to upload the rest …

from day 117 from day 117

from day 117 from day 117

I processed all of them with that preset. The only thing I opened PS for was the watermark. One of these days I’ll learn a quicker way to do that.


You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • Bev
    Posted at 23:57h, 27 April Reply

    Love the processing! I really like the pictures, they are really great!
    .-= Bev´s last blog ..old trucks =-.

  • kim
    Posted at 00:20h, 28 April Reply

    Lucky you for squeezing in a road trip! I really like this series of shots, and I think Route66 is the perfect name for the preset. I happen to love the overly sharp look to photos even though I know that the trend now seems to be more for the softer vintage look. I do love the way those look too, but for the type of shots I take they just don’t seem to work for me.
    If Route66 becomes available for dowload (hint hint) I would love to get it!
    .-= kim´s last blog .. =-.

    • janice
      Posted at 21:13h, 28 April Reply

      I like that soft look too. I guess it depends on the shot? I know some people apply it to almost everything they do. Me? I like to play around with everything. So much for having a ‘style’. LOL! Style-schmyle.
      I’m going to keep playing around with it and make sure it’s right before I give it away. And for sure I’ll be giving it away!

  • Tug
    Posted at 20:47h, 28 April Reply

    Love these! The shots are awesome (I’m into the whole vintage thing), and your processing is spot on perfect!
    .-= Tug´s last blog ..Time to relax… =-.

    • janice
      Posted at 21:16h, 28 April Reply

      Thanks girl! I love that vintage-y look too :)

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