empower {103/365}

It’s what my daughter said when she saw this photo on my screen …


Actually her words were “I like it … woman in power”.

I like it too.

And just like that, explanations of being at the baseball field and whatnot fly right out the window.  I like her description much better.

Love that girl :)


You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters.
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  • june
    Posted at 06:38h, 14 April Reply

    And my first thought was “what’s she doing behind that fence (read “bars”). Must be my place of employment for the last 29 years o:) Wonderful pic.

    • janice
      Posted at 09:51h, 14 April Reply

      Mine too!!! Seriously! LOL!
      My idea was to have the fence really sharp, and me blurred behind. Hard when you’re doing it yourself. I gave up and got this instead :)

  • Robin
    Posted at 12:32h, 14 April Reply

    Powerful shot.
    .-= Robin´s last blog ..Vintage Dipped =-.

  • kim
    Posted at 00:56h, 16 April Reply

    I like her description of the shot, it does give the sense of power.
    .-= kim´s last blog ..105/365 Fishing =-.

  • Leslie
    Posted at 15:10h, 16 April Reply

    Wow, I love this shot! Going to take this feeling with me throughout the rest of the day. Girl power!

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