sigh {95/365}

I took daughter and her friend to the mall today, and I’d hoped to get a few cool shots of them shopping.  Candid, casual shots.  Maybe something cool on the escalator.

Mom with a camera is not a cool thing though.

And I can’t catch running teenagers.

Or hide well enough, apparently.

It’s been a long day.  Here’s my hastily snapped, out of desperation, shot …


Although I love this project, and I’m already seeing improvement in my photography, some days it can be really frustrating.


You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • Tug
    Posted at 22:33h, 05 April Reply

    That’s why I’ve never done a 365. That being said, you’re a much better person than I am, because YOU DO IT. We can’t all be “on” every day, but you pick up your camera & DO IT. Kudos to you, seriously!
    .-= Tug´s last blog ..Red flower =-.

    • janice
      Posted at 22:41h, 05 April Reply

      Thanks girl.
      Support and encouragement helps.
      Not much of that around here *cough*

      I’m just being pissy.

      • Tug
        Posted at 22:43h, 05 April Reply

        I’ve got pom poms… ;-)
        .-= Tug´s last blog ..Red flower =-.

  • kim
    Posted at 00:06h, 06 April Reply

    Ah yes, teenage girls at the mall and mom chasing with a camera. Funny how we as the mom see this as totally normal and OK where as daughter…not so much!
    I do like that your shot for today has a great story to go with it. After all that’s what this project is all about, documenting our daily life while improving on our photography skills.
    .-= kim´s last blog ..95/365 Gone Fishing =-.

  • june
    Posted at 07:06h, 06 April Reply

    I’m a little late in commenting on your photos of Grandpa but they were wonderful. He’s looking well and I’m glad he can still drive there to spend time with you.

  • Robin
    Posted at 13:16h, 06 April Reply

    This is a great moment shot.
    .-= Robin´s last blog ..Another Passover =-.

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