you’ve got (no) mail {81/365}

When I was out and about today, I noticed that the sky was starting to darken up and get angry.  Angry skies = cool pictures!  So I went off in search of a suitable treeline on the north end of town to frame out the darkening clouds.

Of course I got sidetracked.

And came home with this.


Ummmmm, yeah.  How ’bout that sky?  Nice, right?

Typical me.

Are you the same?  Do you set out with a goal in mind only to return home with something entirely different?

Truthfully?  I like it that way.


You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • Tug
    Posted at 23:26h, 22 March Reply

    I never set out with a goal, LOL. That can be bad, but it can also be good. ;-)

  • kim
    Posted at 23:48h, 22 March Reply

    I think this turned out great, love the low saturation of color. Stormy skies always make for good photos.

    And yes, I too get easily sidetracked on my quest for the perfect 365 shot.
    .-= kim´s last blog ..81/365 Bench Monday…Texas Bench =-.

  • Solveig
    Posted at 15:34h, 25 March Reply

    Great shot! I love the vintage feel to it!
    I must admit that I never come home with the photo I thought I was gonna get :)
    .-= Solveig´s last blog ..Day 83 =-.

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