dinner with donna {52/365}

I love roast beef.  And I love roast beef done in my crock pot.  But the last time I did it, and innocently mentioned that it was prime rib … well let’s just say it wasn’t pretty.

Just so you know (which I didn’t) it is NOT OKAY to cook your prime rib in the crock pot.  It’s like blasphemy or something.  Blasphemy on the prime rib.

What the hell do I know?

Absolutely nothing … which is why, when faced with these dilemmas, I pick up the phone and call my friend Donna.   She is the smartness of all things culinary.

First off, did you know you’re supposed to place it in the roast pan like this?

I didn’t.  Yes I know, fat side up, but I didn’t know you were supposed to prop it up like a monolith of meat like that.  See?  I don’t know prime rib from hamburger, apparently.

Oh! and technically, she did NOT want me putting the veggies in there with it.  I am openly defiant right there.

Do NOT cover it.  Donna said so.

(I didn’t, and I have the proof!)

The aromas that started wafting through my house? oh.my.gawd.  YUMMY!  If there were a way to capture that scent in a photograph, you’d all be drooling right now.  Foodie pictures are hard enough to take.  Mine always end up looking kind of gross.

oh crap, it fell over! (ssshhhhhhh! don’t tell)

It’s okay, I propped it back up.  It was almost done anyway.

So … three hours, start to finish (gabbing with Donna included) and dinner is served :)

If you haven’t checked out Donna’s place, Little Blog of Recipes, you don’t know what you’re missing.  She knows her stuff.

Plus, she’s just plain awesome :)


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  • Donna
    Posted at 22:25h, 21 February Reply

    That looks well done to me.

    • janice
      Posted at 22:27h, 21 February Reply

      My defiance cost me extra cooking time with the potatoes.
      I know, I know …

      Still … it was too awesome for words.

  • Donna
    Posted at 22:48h, 21 February Reply

    Oh, I forgot. I looked up that 500 degree oven roast. 500 for 5 minutes per pound then let sit for 2 hours.

    Season it the way you like but don’t put any broth in the bottom. And certainly no vegetables. Then cover it. The pan you’ve pictured here is a great pan for doing a roast this way.
    .-= Donna´s last blog ..Chicken-Cheese-Spinach Lasagne =-.

  • Tug
    Posted at 23:46h, 21 February Reply

    1. Donna totally does rock.
    2. I’ve never cooked a prime rib. or turkey.
    3. I’ve never cooked a roast (of the non-prime rib variety) without a) searing it first, and b) broth in the bottom.
    4. Roast is my favorite of all time comfort food.
    5. I always add taters & carrots.
    6. I obviously suck as a cook & it’s a good thing I can’t taste much because otherwise I’d know my roasts have sucked all these years.
    7. *sigh*
    8. Which one of you are coming to cook me a prime rib for my eating pleasure?
    .-= Tug´s last blog ..Sunflowers, without the sun =-.

    • janice
      Posted at 00:03h, 22 February Reply

      The ‘no broth in the bottom’ she’s talking about in her comment is for a different cooking method. I’m sure your roast doesn’t suck!

  • Nicci
    Posted at 16:50h, 22 February Reply

    if I ate beef I could tell you that looks good….however……..
    .-= Nicci´s last blog ..#28 Seriously, stop =-.

  • Tracy
    Posted at 10:49h, 27 February Reply

    No lid? I had no idea!

    what temp did you cook it on? For how long? I can’t afford a phone call to the US of A… help a girl out J!!
    .-= Tracy´s last blog ..Private Party Post =-.

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