bright {10/365}

I really have to stop taking so many pictures of ONE subject. Seriously. By the time I was done playing around with today’s subject, I had over 300 shots on my camera. Three hundred shots.

Which means I have gone through 300 shots to find this one.

And I’m not even sure it’s good because I’m pretty sure I now need glasses. Everything’s a blur.

colourful 10.365

half the fun of scrapbooking is your supplies!

You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • Solveig
    Posted at 07:05h, 11 January Reply

    I LOVE the colors!
    I can so relate to what you are saying. I took so many photos of my macro projects in the last days. What I like to do is go through the pile, pick a few of the best ones, than stand up from the pc for 10 minutes, come back and choose the winner with rested eyes :)

    • janice
      Posted at 08:34h, 11 January Reply

      I did that for the first time last night! Mostly out of necessity since I couldn’t focus my eyeballs … LOL!
      You’re right, it does help. The one I had thought I was going to pick was NOT the one I ended up posting when I came back for a fresh look.
      And I think I need to stop doing this at 11pm at night. That can’t be good either. hehee :)

  • Robin
    Posted at 19:51h, 11 January Reply

    Great shot, great colors! I always end up with way too many shots, which I suppose is better than not enough.
    .-= Robin´s last blog ..Day Eight =-.

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