horses and dead batteries {6/365}

Words I love to be woken up to?  “Mom?!! I slept in and missed the bus!”

It wouldn’t be so bad if her school were close, but it’s a 35-40 minute drive to get her there, so an hour and a half before I get myself back home.

It’s January.

In Canada.

It’s cold!

Once I’m awake and partially aware of my surroundings, I actually enjoy driving her to school.  Most times, if her cellphone isn’t stuck to her madly texting fingers, she’s pretty darn chatty.

Plus, we pass by one of my favourite photo spots …


So after dropping daughter off at school, I stopped at the side of the road on my way back, happy to have a chance to visit these beauties.  Two shots in, and about to adjust my settings, my battery dies.

Much suckage.  Damn you, battery.

So this shot?  Edited to within an inch of it’s life.  The original is very, very dark and very, very blue.  Nice.

Now it’s just very, very blurry.

and I bought a new battery today.

You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters.
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