28 Oct focus52|2012 {week forty-four} oct 28 to nov 3
Welcome to week forty-four! As I typed that date into the header line, I have to say I honestly cringed at the ‘November’ portion of the title. November! I know I’ve said it before, but where the heck has the year gone?! It seems to have flown by so quickly.
Anyway … quick post this morning, as I’m sure you all saw this week’s prompt coming from a mile away :)
That’s right! It’s Halloween! There is no shortage of subject matter at this time of year, so get out there and have some fun with your camera and capture some of the spooky! (not that it actually has to be spooky … just Halloween-y). This is also a fun time to practice your night photography skills. I’ve collected a few links full of helpful tips that you might find useful as you’re out and about:
- DPS (Digital Photography School) always has tips and tricks for everything, and Halloween is no exception.
- Photojojo’s Goulish Guide to Scary Snaps. I love Photojojo.
- SLR Lounge is getting in on the Halloween fun too. Have a read.
Whatever you decide to do, follow the prompt or not, please come back here and share your work with us when you’re done (weeks run Sunday to Saturday, don’t forget!). Links must be to the direct URL of your actual work, not just to the site it’s posted in, and may be a link to your blog post or to your flickr photo (again, the actual photo, not your entire flickr stream). It’s a fact that those who link up early, get the most interaction on their work, so get the photos in! Also, please don’t link and run – try to find some time to visit at least a few of your fellow 52’ers. That’s half the fun! And don’t forget the focus52 flickr pool.
Have a spooky week, 52’rs!
psssttt… looking for last week’s link up? click here
Posted at 17:56h, 28 OctoberIs Frankenstorm considered spooky? Cause it’s bound to do a number on our Halloween here! Schools are already closed for tomorrow, even though the rain/wind hasn’t even started. We’re set for some gloomy days ahead ….
Posted at 21:12h, 28 OctoberStay safe Gwen!!!
I remember last year, some places had to cancel Halloween and reschedule it. I’m thinking Maine area but I can’t remember.
Stock up on pumpkins and candles and get carving, just in case ;)
Posted at 23:41h, 28 OctoberI have five pumpkins on the front step. It’s been so busy here that we haven’t carved any yet! Kids are off from school tomorrow due to the forecast, so maybe carving is in the plans, once I finish the two costumes I’m still working on for the boys …
Posted at 21:54h, 02 NovemberSo my hard drive has been giving me messages saying failure was imminent … and given that, I was reluctant to move photos from my camera to my hard drive. I have my new hard drive, but not the data cables to connect my new drive for my files (or my old drive to move the files). I don’t think I’m going to make Sunday’s date to share my photos … if I didn’t always shoot in RAW, I could use another computer. Oh, well. Maybe things will come together (and a friendly neighbor might have a spare SATA cable I can borrow) and you’ll see my spooky on Sunday.
Do you love that I came here just to give you a rambling update on my sad state of affairs?
Posted at 11:53h, 03 NovemberI do, actually!
It’s always been too damn quiet around here.
I hope you sort out your computer problems. I hate when stuff like that happens.