Maybe I'll leave the ghosts alone and just focus on barns.  Easier to sleep at night :) I took this shot from the side of the road, snug inside my car (gotta love a 300mm zoom, even if it is a little on the crap side)...

I spent a few hours today, rummaging around on the interwebz trying to figure out the meaning behind a 'shoe tree'.  No, not those cedar thingies you stick in your shoes (although I learned about those too along the way). This ...

shoe tree

Ummmm ... make that shoe treeS - plural.  And well on the way to becoming a forest from the looks of things.

Over the years, I've driven past this spot too many times to count.  And always wondered about it.  Why in the world are all of these shoes nailed to the trees?  What does it mean?  Does it mean anything at all?

I haven't got a clue.  And it's not for lack of trying, believe me.

My fourteen year old tells me a young girl died there, and I found this a little ways in ...

"Go out and take some pictures of barns" she says to me. Yeah, I froze my arse off. Sunshine during a Canadian Winter is very deceptive.  Especially when Mother Nature decides to shut it off and throw some 100pmh Arctic winds at you. (okay, maybe 40mph ...

I woke up this morning feeling 100% better than yesterday. And a good thing too because Mother Nature had decided to paint the world frosty and gray while I slept. It only took one cup of coffee to convince me to get my...