Wow. Day 300. Unbelievable. _______________________ My shot today started out as something entirely different in my head.  It went south, but I'm happy with it. I think. It's different, for me. Simply Hue's creative challenge this week is "I Believe In Pink".  Not pink for the obvious reasons you may think,...

Today isn’t just another day. Today I’ll create something beautiful. - unknown 50mm  f/1.4  ISO 100 1/1600 (bad) flypaper texture, birds from Skeletal Mess What inspires you ? For myself, creatively speaking (and if you haven't figured out within ten minutes of knowing me that with me, it's ALL about the...

The word prompt for this week's Sunday Creative is 'comfort'.  I went with: com-fort tr.v. 1. A condition or feeling of pleasurable ease, well-being, and contentment. Maybe it's the feeling of Fall in the air, but my thoughts turn to warm cozy sweaters, fuzzy blankets, and this ...