Amongst the many projects I have on the go (too many really, it's a problem) I've also been working on some presets for lightroom.  There's the Route66 set that I still have in the works, and now this soft, faded vintage looking set that I...

Hanging out in my neighbour's yard again.  What can I say?  He has interesting stuff :) This is an outdoor water fountain type thing and I had ideas of catching the water flowing down the sides, all soft and slow-motion like. Yeah, that sucked. But this, I kind...

The bench nearly broke. I couldn't get the focus right with the jumps. I found out my lawn is ridden with ants. But all in all, a successful *Bench Monday :) (and only ONE eye-roll when I asked for some modelling help. ha!) ***Bench Monday Rules: Stand on a bench. Make...