Undoubtedly. They seem to be my go-to when I'm stuck in the house.  One more and I'll have a nice set for my kitchen. heh. I'm enjoying my weekend. Hope you are too :) --------------------------------------------------------------- You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr...

ha!  what a title.  There's gotta be a joke in there somewhere. "Old" as in, antiqued.  As in, I was messing around in lightroom. and then I messed around making some frames and stuff in photoshop. (shocking) Always messin'. and it would seem I have a thing for pears.  heh --------------------------------------------------------------- You...

Day 10 of Creativity Boot Camp (day 10? seriously? wow) and the prompt for today is "full bodied". I was going to go knocking on my neighbour's door again for his wine bottles and grapes, but then my mind wandered in other directions (shocking, I know)...