When Love That Shot put up this week's challenge, 'Your Favorite Face', the first words out of my mouth to my girl were "your face is mine, sometime this week - don't make plans" Such a loving Mom ;) Her's is, undoubtedly, my favorite face. Much loved. Have you visited  yet?...

Today isn’t just another day. Today I’ll create something beautiful. - unknown 50mm  f/1.4  ISO 100 1/1600 (bad) flypaper texture, birds from Skeletal Mess What inspires you ? For myself, creatively speaking (and if you haven't figured out within ten minutes of knowing me that with me, it's ALL about the...

It finally started to rain today.  No thunderstorms or craziness, just a steady light rain, all day long. Driving home from work, I hit some fog and decided to drive around a bit on the side roads to see what I could see.  Yeah I know...