every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the Autumn Tree. ~ Emily Bronte I planted this tree around seven years ago now. It was barely taller than I am, with a skinny little trunk and an embarrassing amount of leaves. And now it fills my second story window. I can't...

When Love That Shot put up this week's challenge, 'Your Favorite Face', the first words out of my mouth to my girl were "your face is mine, sometime this week - don't make plans" Such a loving Mom ;) Her's is, undoubtedly, my favorite face. Much loved. Have you visited  yet?...

I took some shots of the leaves on the sidewalks yesterday (so cliche but I can't help myself), and when I was looking at them today, I realized I really wanted a person in there somewhere. All blurry in the backround, y'know? See? Pretty, yes.  But...