The prompt for Day 12 of Creativity Boot Camp is "smooth". O.M.G. I struggled with this all day. ALL. DAY. ugh. I'm not even going to start listing how many things I tried or how many shots I took.  They were all crapola in the end. And honestly?  I think it's...

Day 4 of Boot Camp and the prompt for today is "Heavy Metal". This one totally stumped me.  A million ideas, but nothing that was sticking and omg some of my ideas were downright NOT do-able. Who knew my Husband would protest to barb wire wrapped around...

Somehow, it seems I'm to blame when there's snow in my driveway and Husband has to shovel.  Like I put in a request to Mama Nature to shower the white stuff down upon my drive and force my man into winter slavery. But I've discovered that the grumbling eases up a bit when I whip out the camera!  ha!  (I's the smartness)

"this is all your fault woman!"

But then look what else might just happen ...

I said I had to quit you, but I didn't say when :) See?  This is why I heart that lens. canon 100mm - f/2.8  ISO 100  1/250 And here's where I embarrass my Husband and tell you that I made HIM pose for this. With my girl-y mittens. Oh...

"Pick a hand,"  he says.  He holds two fists outstretched before him, the third time he's done this in as many weeks. "What are you doing?" I ask him, "It's not my birthday yet!" "It's a Valentine," he says. "It's not Valentine's Day yet either!" I laugh. "Pre-Valentine's then!  Pick a hand!" And I laugh again because this is also the third time we've had this same conversation in as many weeks. Obligingly, I pick a hand.