This is the third time I've been down to the railway station, trying to get a shot of this engine.  Mother Nature is not cooperating with me and I have yet to figure out what I'm doing wrong with the exposure. But you know what?  I...

Today was a crap kinda day.  One of those kinds of days where you feel like you're working your tail off but at the end of the day, it seems nothing much has been accomplished.  Ugh. I'm very glad I got this shot early this morning...

Why yes!  I DO run around tormenting poor DaisyPuppy with my camera. She's a (somewhat) willing subject when inspiration runs low :) 'put down the camera, woman' --------------------------------------------------------------- You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters. For all daily photos posted...

Today was the first day that I did not feel like picking up my camera for this project.  Not at all.  And when I finally gave myself a talking to and forced myself to do it, I wandered around the house for a while, camera...